Hypochlorous Acid is a 100% organic substance that releases from our bodyโs white blood cells as a powerful oxidizer. This antimicrobial agent neutralizes toxins, bacteria, and inflammatory mediators. H0Cl also works to prevent biofilm production, as well as deactivating problematic enzymes. Furthermore, this safe and biodegradable non-toxic has many applications such as eyelid and veggie washing, cleaning humidifiers, CPAP machines, and more! In a nutshell hypochlorous acid disinfection is perhaps the best, and cleanest disinfecting solution out there.
Hypochlorous Acid is comprised of 99.9 percent water, with the rest being made up of chlorine atoms that have been knocked off salt and electrolyzed in water. As such, it is highly effective against viruses like COVID-19. When applied appropriately, viruses are eliminated in a matter of only seconds.