
Electrolyzed HOCL 500 All-Purpose Hospital Grade Disinfectant

Germ Hero Disinfectant Spray HOCL 500


Kills Germs, Viruses & Bacteria in Seconds on Contact

100X Stronger than Bleach

Effective against SARS-CoV-2

Germicidal, Virucidal, Bactericidal, Fungicidal, and Tuberculocidal

Kills odors on a molecular level


100% Safe for People, Pets and the Environment

Organic / Natural โ€“ No Hazardous Chemicals

Safe around Food and Food-Contact Surfaces

Eco-Friendly, Non-Toxic, Non-Abrasive, Non-Corrosive, Non-Flammable


Multi-purpose hospital-grade disinfectant

Gently Cleans, Sanitizes, Disinfects & Deodorizes

For use throughout Homes, Businesses and Schools

Safe to use on All Surfaces and Materials

Comes in 32oz Spray, 1 Gal Container, or 5 Gal Container

Germ Hero HOCL disinfectant is produced on-demand for highest potency and effectiveness.

We put Germ Hero HOCL 500 to the test, the result speak for themselves.

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The Same Powerful Disinfection Solution Germ Hero Uses

Now available for sale

Science and Technology

  • What is Germ Hero HOCL 500
  • HOCL vs. Bleach and Alcohol
  • How Effective is Germ Hero HOCL?
  • Safe, Effective, Eco-Friendly

What is Hypochlorous Acid - HOCL

Germ Hero Disinfection Service

Hypochlorous Acid is a 100% organic substance that releases from our bodyโ€™s white blood cells as a powerful oxidizer. This antimicrobial agent neutralizes toxins, bacteria, and inflammatory mediators. H0Cl also works to prevent biofilm production, as well as deactivating problematic enzymes. Furthermore, this safe and biodegradable non-toxic has many applications such as eyelid and veggie washing, cleaning humidifiers, CPAP machines, and more! In a nutshell hypochlorous acid disinfection is perhaps the best, and cleanest disinfecting solution out there.

Hypochlorous Acid is comprised of 99.9 percent water, with the rest being made up of chlorine atoms that have been knocked off salt and electrolyzed in water. As such, it is highly effective against viruses like COVID-19. When applied appropriately, viruses are eliminated in a matter of only seconds.

Germ Hero HOCL vs Bleach & Alcohol

Germ Hero Disinfectant HOCL 500 Label

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of germ-killing products on the market today. Finding the right one for you can be tricky if you do not know what to look for in a powerful disinfectant you can trust. That is why it is so important that you do your research before making a purchase. Letโ€™s look at popular disinfectants and why they ultimately fall short to H0Cl in the end.

  • Bleach โ€“ Bleach has been used for cleaning and disinfection for decades because of its similarity to H0Cl. It also shares the same chlorine family and can get rid of fungus, spores, bacteria, and viruses. While this is great, bleach is also toxic, commonly irritating the eyes, skin, and lungs when used regularlyโ€”all while turning your environment rotten with that chemical smell. When bleach is used routinely over long periods, it becomes carcinogenic.
  • Alcohol โ€“ Alcohol is used more often at home and in the medical field to handle cuts and gashes and disinfect medical instruments. Being that it is the main ingredient in hand sanitizer, you have everything you need to know about its effectivity. However, alcohol can also be a skin irritant, making it unideal for regular disinfection. Additionally, it does not kill bacterial spores.

How Effective is Germ Hero HOCL?

Electrostatic Spraying ServiceHypochlorous Acid is a 100% organic substance that releases from our bodyโ€™s white blood cells as a powerful oxidizer. This antimicrobial agent neutralizes toxins, bacteria, and inflammatory mediators. H0Cl also works to prevent biofilm production, as well as deactivating problematic enzymes. Furthermore, this safe and biodegradable non-toxic has many applications such as eyelid and veggie washing, cleaning humidifiers, CPAP machines, and more!

Hypochlorous Acid is comprised of 99.9 percent water, with the rest being made up of chlorine atoms that have been knocked off salt and electrolyzed in water. As such, it is highly effective against viruses like COVID-19. When applied appropriately, viruses are eliminated in a matter of only seconds.

Safe, Effective, Eco-Friendly

Electrostatic Spraying ServiceWhen considering what methods or chemicals to use to keep yourself, family, friends, and business safe, there are many elements one must consider. Certain products like bleach, Pine-sol, and other industrial strength cleaners run the risk of causing damage. It may create a substantial toxic load, and you may not be able to use these products consistently considering their harsh nature. These chemicals may stain, break down fibers in your carpets, or over-sanitize the area. While industrial cleaners are effective against harmful bacteria, these chemicals may also break down โ€œhealthyโ€ bacteria, or individual microorganisms that your body needs to maintain a robust immune system.

Furthermore, these chemicals may also create super-resistant bugs, so they could end up doing more harm than good when all things are considered. The CDC approves hypochlorous Acid on the other hand, for combating the Coronavirus due to its unbeatable effectivity. But you may not see this substance sold in stores because of its relatively short shelf life. Hypochlorous Acid is active for only about 24-36 hours, making it less than ideal for use as a commercial product. But when it comes to your home, office, or business, it is the perfect tool for sanitation considering its non-toxic and biodegradable properties. Finally, it will not leave any harsh residue behind.