
Disinfection and Sanitizing Services for Gyms, Athletic, and Sports Facilities in Las Vegas Nevada

Germ Hero is the industry expert in safely and efficiently preventing, cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting athletic and gym equipment spaces, and surfaces including walls and flooring. with with EPA registered industrial-strength disinfectants with a broad spectrum kill rate.

Germ Hero Disinfecting Gym Fitness Athletic Sports Facility

Germ Hero will Disinfect and Sanitize your Gym, Athletic, Fitness or Sports Facility with Perfection

Any size Gym, Athletic, Fitness or Sports Facility

Custom Flexible Scheduling

Professional Experts, Friendly Service

Kills 99% of Germs, Bacteria, Viruses, Flu, and Pathogens

No Rinse Required, even on food contact surfaces

Non-Abrasive and Non-Corrosive

Non-Flammable, Non-Toxic, No Harmful Chemicals

No Ventilation Required

Germ Hero ShieGerm Hero 5 Star Ratingld Certified Clean Facility
Experienced & Expert Staff

Professional and Experienced staff ready to help you with your prevention, disinfection, and sanitary goals.

100% Safe Products and Methods

All of our products are EPA Certified, Non Toxic, Non Corrosive, Safe for Humans, Pets, and the Environment.

Easy Booking, Fast Service

Get an estimate, set your schedule, and book your appointment. Then let us do the rest.

Best Equipment & Products

We use the latest technology, cutting edge equipment and products for all of our customers.

99.9% Kill Rate of Germs

Germ Hero is the industry leader in killing harmful Germs, Flu, Viruses, Pathogens, and Bacteria.

Germ Hero Certified Shield

Build trust and confidence with your customers who come to your place of business.

Sports Facilities / Health and Fitness Disinfection and Sanitizing

One of the greatest challenges for athletic facilities is controlling the spread of infectious diseases through contact with exercise equipment, sports gear, gym mats, artificial turfs, trainerโ€™s tables, whirlpools and locker room benches and floors.

Those infections can run the gamut from flu virus and MRSA to E. coli andC. diff to an array of skin infections which include athleteโ€™s foot, impetigo and wrestlerโ€™s herpes. In a recent report on the proliferation of skin diseases among the athletic community and strategies for combating outbreaks, the National Athletic Trainers Association argues that โ€œa clean environment must be maintained in the athletic training facility, locker rooms, and all athletic venues.โ€

Nothing can ruin a good season like an outbreak of flu or MRSA. Whether professional or collegiate, teams that lose key players lose games. And losing games can mean losing financial support at the turnstiles or from donors. By using Germ Hero Defense to kill a vast array of pathogens and combat bacteria that can cause damage, stains, and odors, athletic facility owners can improve the overall environment in their facilities, save costs and reduce toxic chemical use.

Germ Hero Defense is the perfect solution for disinfecting and sanitizing any Gym, Fitness, Athletic, or Sports Facility.

Our EPA REGISTERED and FDA APPROVED antimicrobial product that is a biostatic nano coating and is effective against liquids, stains, dirt, bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold and algae.

Germ Hero Defense application provides a durable surface protection, continually working 24/7 to inhibit the growth of microbes which can cause sickness, stains, and odors. The nanoscopic magnetic fields of swords draws in the bacteria and then controls and ruptures it โ€“ halting any cross-contamination in its tracks

Apply to training rooms, locker rooms, exercise equipment, wrestling mats, natatoriums, artificial turf, hot tubs, whirlpools, tanning beds, communal showers and more.


Germ Hero is Trusted by thousands
of people and businesses.